Resistant weeds are becoming more of a problem every year. While there are many things you can do to add yield to your soybean crop, few things are more important than having fantastic weed control. Here’s our best suggestion if you have a weedy field, yet you still want excellent control and top yields.
First, start with the 3 Pre’s. We talk about this all the time because the program gives amazing weed control and is cost-effective. Plus, you can’t use any of the 3 Pre’s post-emerge. Apply a yellow (Trifluralin in conventional-till or Prowl in no-till) plus metribuzin plus a PPO (Valor or Authority). This should give you 99% control on most tough weeds including waterhemp, kochia, lambsquarters, and many more. The total cost will be in the range of $12 to $15 in conventional-till and $22 to $25 in no-till. In other words, that’s just one to two bushels of soybeans.
Just as importantly, add a “layered residual” program early post-emerge. There are several premixes that contain a Group 15 and another herbicide, so these are great choices. For example, Anthem Maxx and Warrant Ultra each contain a PPO and a Group 15. Anthem Maxx has the active ingredients found in Zidua (Group 15) and Cadet (PPO). Warrant Ultra features the ai’s from Warrant/ Harness (Group 15) and Flexstar (PPO). Personally, I like Warrant Ultra the best since Flexstar lasts longer than Cadet, but Anthem Maxx has such a low use rate you don’t need bulk tanks. Both products cost $9 to $11 per acre.
If you would rather apply just the PPO (Flexstar or Cadet) or use only a Group 15 like Dual or Warrant, you can certainly do that. However, it costs very little more to get both modes of action in the premixes I listed above. If you have 3 pre-emerge modes of action down and low weed pressure, adding a residual postemerge probably isn’t necessary. On the other hand, if you didn’t use 3 pre’s early or if you have moderate to heavy weed pressure, we would absolutely encourage you to get a PPO/Group 15 premix out there early post.
Here’s one last thing I want you to consider. Since Roundup and Liberty are super overpriced this year and spraying two shots of Enlist One or dicamba will only lead to more weed resistance issues, using the residual herbicides I listed above makes a lot of sense. For example, did you know that Liberty is so ridiculously overpriced right now, that you can get the 3 Pre’s PLUS either Warrant Ultra or Anthem Maxx and still pay less than one application of Liberty? It sounds crazy, but it’s true. There is no possible chance I’m spending $35 per acre on Liberty when that herbicide has no residual, and I know I will have more control and more yield by investing that same $35 or less in five modes of action that all have residual.
Change is hard, but 2022 is calling for you to switch your herbicide program. When some products are triple in price yet others are barely up at all compared to normal, it’s time to make some adjustments. If you need any help with your herbicide program and recommendations, please talk to any of our agronomists or send an e-mail to radio@agphd.com. On our farm, I’ve already been working on plans to slightly increase rates and/or add additional herbicides to make sure our weed control is great this year because commodity prices are really good and yield potential is high. Don’t let weeds steal your profits. Plan ahead and stop tough weeds with residual herbicides in soybeans.