There are many factors you consider each season when you are picking which seed to plant on your farm, and we don’t take that lightly.
Most seed companies use simple plot data to choose what genetics to put in their seed lineups. While we do that too, our process of bringing a variety or hybrid to the lineup includes a few more steps for quality assurance. We’re committed to giving you the best seed and yield potential possible. Our desire to lead the industry in seed quality, yield potential, and plant health are only a few of the things that add up to more profit per acre when you plant Hefty Brand Seed.

Hefty Complete Corn Seed Treatment is our proprietary blend of fungicides, insecticide, and Hefty Naturals (biologicals) containing 37 active ingredients proven to increase your net income.
Years of testing combined with our agronomic knowledge gave us the insight to create the industry’s most comprehensive corn seed treatment, increasing early season vigor, stress tolerance, and crop health to give you the best chance for more yield at harvest.

Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment is our proprietary blend of fungicides, insecticide, and Hefty Naturals (biologicals) containing 72 active ingredients proven to increase your net income. We’ve spent years testing and experimenting with almost every possible active ingredient and polymer that can be applied to the seed. It’s led us to the formula we have found to be the best in agriculture for both efficacy and seed flowability.
Using Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment means you can anticipate doubling or tripling your seed treatment investment. The multitude of components in Hefty Complete Soybean Seed Treatment gives you several opportunities to win big with your seed investment no matter what growing conditions you face.

There are many factors you consider each season when you are picking which seed to plant on your farm, and we do not take that lightly.
We pick elite genetics from the best the industry has to offer. Our deep relationships with the largest breeders and genetic suppliers in the industry put you in the best position for high yield.
Plus! We bring in new, higher-yielding lines quicker than the bigger companies that get caught up in the name recognition of popular lines.
While no seed lot is going to be perfect, we often get pretty close. When it comes to our soybean seed production, we have one of the most restrictive seed grower contracts that we know of in the industry. All our seed growers adhere to the highest fertility, seed treatment, herbicide, insecticide, and plant health standards.
For Hefty Brand Corn seed quality decisions, each experimental number is tested in multiple plots across the country. Strengths, weaknesses, and performance metrics are logged, analyzed, and replicated before the hybrid ever comes to you. Coupled with the fact that all Hefty Brand Corn is treated with industry-leading Hefty Complete Corn Seed Treatment, our hybrids result in great seed for the best chance at high yields and more profits on your farm.
The training program we use for our agronomists is led by Brian & Darren Hefty and is unmatched by anyone in the industry. If better agronomic recommendations add up to a cost savings you never knew existed, you may save a few dollars per acre. If incredibly good recommendations result in a few more bushels per acre, you’ll add profit by the thousands!