ROOTastic inoculant boosts your soybean yield by enhancing nitrogen uptake, even where soybeans are planted often. The active ingredient in ROOTastic is a naturally occurring bacterium that grows on plant roots. This forms root nodules and helps plants convert nitrogen from the air into forms the plant can use.
Contains multiple strains of the naturally occurring bacterium, Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Minimum guarantee of 1 x 1010 colony forming units per milliliter of solution, one of the industry’s highest rates.
- Shake well before use. Open package only when ready to use. Pull bag cap through the circular opening and close lid.
- Measure the appropriate rate for the quantity of seed being inoculated, pour over the seed at 1.5 fl. oz. per cwt (with extender), and stir well until all seeds glisten.
- Protect inoculated seed from sunlight and drying winds.
- Plant inoculated seed within 4 days.