At Hefty Seed Company, our number one goal is to give you the agronomic knowledge and advice to make more money in your operation. This philosophy can be seen in the way our agronomists recommend chemical products.
Many other companies tell their agronomists what products to sell, and sometimes base bonuses or other incentives on meeting sales quotas of specific products. Our agronomists are free to recommend what they believe will fit best in their customer’s agronomic and economic preferences because again our number one job is to help you make more money on your farm.
When it comes to your chemical needs, we carry and have access to nearly any herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, adjuvant, growth regulator, and biological you would find helpful for increasing yields. We have relationships with most major companies, including generic lines, and work with them each year to determine pricing, discuss labeling, and even provide feedback on what we’re seeing in the fields.
For pricing and more information on what product might be right for you, contact a Hefty Agronomist in your area.