With rising commodity prices, all sorts of companies are coming out of the woodwork with biological products they claim will be the next silver bullet on the farm. How do you know what will really work for you? Too often in our testing, individual biologicals – or Naturals, as we call them – don’t produce a reliable and consistent return on investment, as optimal environmental conditions for that product may not occur in a given year. However, when we use a multitude of products in combination, we observe increased consistency in return compared to using any individual product. By taking into consideration a range of variables like water, nutrient availability, and transport mechanisms, we have created a package that delivers consistent ROI.


Designed for simplicity and flexibility, Alpha Complete is made up of five products that provide a complete 40-acre application either in-furrow or early post – all in a single box. These five products are Water-Rite, Bio-Prep, Micro-Cycle, Nutex EDA, and Boost 10, and together they contain dozens of Naturals that benefit your crop in a variety of field situations, as well as the water conditioning agents needed to maximize their effectiveness. Combined in the tank, Alpha Complete is usable in a wide array of crops.

Let’s break down what each of these five products can do for you.


A water source contaminated with calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper will give you many headaches when applying herbicides, fungicides, and micronutrients. Through chelation, Water-Rite chemically ties up these nutrients so they don’t negatively affect the delivery of these products into your plants. Tying up these nutrients also balances the pH of the water, freeing the remaining products in Alpha Complete to do what they need to do.


Do you pull water from a rural water system or a city source? If so, what does the treatment facility put in the water to make it safe for you and your family? Chlorine! Chlorine’s number one job is to kill any microorganisms that may be in the water. What happens when you take microbes, which are living organisms, and add them to water that has chlorine in it? They die! Within one hour, 30% of microbes added to chlorinated water will die. After three hours, this mortality rate reaches 100%. Bio-Prep’s only job is to neutralize chlorine, converting it to chloride. When Bio-Prep is added to water, this reaction happens instantly, making sure the biology in Alpha Complete remains safe and working for you.


Did you know that much of the fertilizer in your fields isn’t available to your crops? Microbes in your soil must break down these minerals into a nutrient form that plant roots can access, and Micro-Cycle is made up of microbes that specifically improve availability of potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, and silica. These specific strains of microbes are already naturally found in the soil profile, but when you use Micro-Cycle, you can place these microbes in a high concentration right in the root zone of your crops. There, they begin a symbiotic relationship with the plant – when microbes bring nutrients to the root, the plant provides a sugar source to feed the microbes. This is a common and natural process and one of many relationships your crops have with soil microbes.


hen you have nutrients in the root zone, how do you get them to individual plant cells within the plant while using the least amount of energy? Nutex EDA gets the job done. Moving nutrients in the plant is extremely important for a plant’s success, but this process can use a lot of valuable energy, especially
if the plant is experiencing stressful environmental conditions. Nutex EDA is a patented transport agent that allows the plant to move nutrients from the root zone to plant cells more efficiently. The energy the plant saves in this process can now be used for other plant functions. Nutex EDA also has a small amount of zinc in the formulation to help feed microbes in the root zone.


Photosynthesis is the process in which a plant harnesses sunlight energy to make food. Boost 10, the final product in Alpha Complete, takes nutrients within plant cells and assimilates them to boost photosynthetic production. Boost 10 is made up of amino acids that plants naturally use during this process, and by having more of these amino acids readily available, plants can use more of their energy to create sugars during photosynthesis, ultimately making them more efficient. A secondary benefit of Boost 10 is these same amino acids also help regulate and store the sugars and starches created by the photosynthetic process. By making plants more efficient and increasing their sugar storage capabilities, Boost 10 rounds out this complete program for yield and return on investment.

Every season is a new chapter in the quest to gain additional yield and ROI, and continually trying new products is the best way to learn what your farm needs. But with so many options out there, how do you know what you should try? That’s the whole goal of Alpha Complete: simplifying which Naturals to use on your farm, 40 acres at a time. Nutrient availability, transport, and efficiency are all important for your crops to reach their yield potential, but optimizing the water you use as a carrier could also be the critical component you’re missing. That’s all covered with Alpha Complete.

We’ve put a lot of time and consideration into maximizing yield potential with Hefty Naturals. All you have to do is follow the mixing instructions and set up trials on your farm to see the benefits of Alpha Complete.