By Brian Hefty
I know you hate rebate programs, but if you like saving money you will definitely want to take advantage of some of the offers this year. As always, we will take care of the rebate paperwork for you and try to keep things as simple as possible.

- BASF: Their most popular offer will be free Tilt or generic propiconazole with Priaxor in certain geographies.
- Bayer: Bayer Plus is back again. 2 products = $3/acre. The 3rd, 4th, & 5th products are worth an additional $3, $4, and $5/acre, respectively. While Valent products no longer count toward your 5-product list, most are still in there at $3 per acre if you also purchase Roundup.
- Corteva: The most complicated rebate program in the history of agriculture, Corteva’s TruChoice does have a lot of dollars attached to it. The biggest issue is you must write a separate check to Corteva because Corteva will not let us fund your account. We can send your check in for you; and then a few days later, Corteva will send us your money back. To take advantage of their best remaining offer, you must get your order and your money in by late February.
- FMC: Freedom Pass is also back again. This is the simplest, easiest rebate program. You buy any individual product on the list and you get a check at the end of the season. The range is $0.50 to $3 per acre.
- Finance Offers: AmVac, BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC, Syngenta, and Valent all have low-cost or no-cost finance offers. The thing we always say, though, is to get this done early. Regardless of when you lock in the financing, your bill comes due next winter, but the earlier you lock in the financing the lower net price you pay for the products.