Hefty Brand Corn 3042 80-day Hybrid Header
VTDoublePRO RIB Complete Logo

GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1000
GDUs to Black Layer: 1980
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Red

GDUs to Mid-pollination: 1000
GDUs to Black Layer: 1980
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Red

Test weight king! Big, powerful plant type with a girthy ear and deep, heavy kernels. Good roots and stalks to hold up all season.

Just average on northern corn leaf blight and gray leaf spot.

Keep this hybrid in the 80-day maturity zone and put it on your good to great ground to take advantage of the big ears and nice ear flex for yield. It’s one of the heavier test weight products you’ll find, so feed it the fertility to accentuate that. This hybrid really likes early fertility and an early boost from naturals like Maxx NS or Alpha Complete.


Chart H3082

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.

I first tried Hefty because of the price point. Then I put four hybrids in my competition plot with four other brands of corn. Hefty took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in my plot. That’s when I knew I was planting the real deal!

Ben, Moses Lake, Washington

I know that when I give my business to Hefty Seed Company, I can count on great yields from their products and outstanding service from their knowledgeable agronomists.

Paul, Southeast South Dakota

I put my Hefty corn up to my favorite Pioneer and Dekalb, and wow does it perform! I’ll keep planting Hefty!

Luke, Iowa

We have had a really good run with Hefty Corn hybrids on our farm over the last several years. In fact, they have been our top-yielding hybrids for a number of years now.

Nathan, Watertown, South Dakota

The emergence and yields I have gotten from my Hefty Brand Seed have been outstanding!

Mark, Southeast South Dakota

Out of everything I planted, Hefty has always been the first corn out of the ground over the last three years.

Devon, Southeast Nebraska

I plant corn for Habitat for Hunting. My ground is really tough due to flooding it each year. I switched to Hefty Corn because of how well it handles tough, dry soil.

Mike, Othellow, Washington