GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1270
GDUs to Black Layer: 2445
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Red
GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1270
GDUs to Black Layer: 2445
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Red
DroughtGard® hybrid with a great fit on your toughest acres! Flex ear product with strong early vigor and big roots! Strong plant intactness and stay green in the fall. Very good disease tolerance package.
Lower planting populations help improve stalk diameter.
Tough-guy hybrid with strong enough yield data to compete with most anything. Its biggest advantage is on your variable acre where its flex ear can add kernels and kernel depth to take advantage of fertility and water. This is not recommended for continuous corn, but fits almost everywhere else. Use lower planting populations to avoid thinner stalks and potential lodging.

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.