GDUs to Mid-pollination: 1285
GDUs to Black Layer: 2500
Pollination for Maturity: Late
Ear Type: Flex
Cob Color: Red
GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1285
GDUs to Black Layer: 2500
Pollination for Maturity: Late
Ear Type: Flex
Cob Color: Red
Flex this hybrid for best performance! Tons of ear flex allows you to plant at lower to moderate populations and still see top-end yields! Very attractive plant with good staygreen and intactness until harvest. Tremendous silage production potential for quality and quantity. Very good tolerance to Goss’s wilt.
Flowers a little late, which may be a blessing depending on the year.
Broad-acre placement for all but the western stress ground. Very attractive all season long. Full flex ears with deep kernels and excellent length. Top silage production, as well. Place this hybrid on the low, medium, or higher production acre with confidence. Responds well to foliar fungicide applications, as well as PGR products like Amass in the late vegetative stages.

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.