GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1300
GDUs to Black Layer: 2500
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Pink
GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1300
GDUs to Black Layer: 2500
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Pink
National line with industry-leading tar spot tolerance! Powerful, consistent performance due to a top-notch disease tolerance package and heavy test weight.
No hybrid is “resistant” to tar spot, so a foliar fungicide application can still be very helpful.
This is as close to a ‘place everywhere’ hybrid as you’ll find. Great disease tolerance! Works in its maturity zone and moves south well. Has a strong response to intense management. Flexes for both girth and length. Loves good fertility. For tar spot, add Xyway at planting in a 2 X 2 and spray foliar applications at 5-foot corn and after tassel. We haven’t seen any hybrids look better than this one with that level of management.

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.