GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1330
GDUs to Black Layer: 2580
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Red
GDUs to Mid-pollination: 1330
GDUs to Black Layer: 2580
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Semi-Flex
Cob Color: Red
High yields! Great overall performance with yield, defensive characteristics, and solid roots and stalks. Good staygreen and intactness into the fall. Very strong on Goss’s wilt and stalk anthracnose. Drought and stress tolerance is strong enough for placement on dryland or irrigated ground.
Tar spot tolerance is below average and will require a foliar fungicide for protection.
High-yielding product with a strong stalk and roots. Can fit on dryland or irrigated fields and has enough ear flex to still hit your yield goal with lower populations. This hybrid responds well to fertility, especially phosphorus, so feed it well to reach your yield goals. Foliar fungicide use should pay well with this variety, as it needs a little help on tar spot (as do most hybrids) and the gray leaf spot tolerance is merely average. We’ve seen nice gains with the addition of naturals to accentuate the root system and early growth. Use Maxx NS or Alpha Complete at planting time.

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.