1 06, 2024

Thank You, Patrick

2024-07-09T13:13:56-05:00June 1st, 2024|2024, Agronomy Answers Yield, June/July 2024|

Patrick Gottsch, founder of RFD-TV and Rural Media Group, fierce advocate of rural folks, and longtime friend and supporter of Ag PhD, passed away at the age of 70 on May 19, 2024. LEARN THE LEGACY During the first couple years of doing [...]

1 04, 2024

Dicamba Banned?

2024-07-03T14:30:35-05:00April 1st, 2024|2024, Agronomy Answers Yield, Apr/May 2024|

If you like consistency, stability, and predictability, you have HATED the last 4 years working with dicamba-tolerant crops... Once again, it looks like we’re going to lose dicamba as an over-the-top option for Xtend and XtendFlex soybeans and cotton. Here’s what we know and what we don’t know [...]

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