I’d rather have a cheap price upfront than a rebate program.
I’ve heard that from thousands of farmers over the years, but since so many companies offer rebate programs (rather than cutting their prices), it’s important to take advantage of these opportunities to cut your costs.
It’s still early, so we don’t know every program that will be available to you in 2023, but here are two of the biggest.
I’d rather have a cheap price up front than a rebate program.
I’d rather have a cheap price up front than a rebate program.
I’d rather have a cheap price up front than a rebate program.
I’ve heard that from thousands of farmers over the years, but since so many companies offer rebate programs (rather than cutting their prices), it’s important to take advantage of these opportunities to cut your costs.
It’s still early, so we don’t know every program that will be available to you in 2023, but here are two of the biggest.
I’d rather have a cheap price upfront than a rebate program.
I’ve heard that from thousands of farmers over the years, but since so many companies offer rebate programs (rather than cutting their prices), it’s important to take advantage of these opportunities to cut your costs.
1. Hefty Brand Seed Programs
Buy Hefty or Zinesto soybeans AND one of FMC’s Authority products to earn a rebate of $3 per acre on matching acres. Minimum 300 acres.
Buy Hefty or Zinesto soybeans AND Lucento, TopGuard, or TopGuard EQ to earn a rebate of $3 per acre on matching acres. Minimum 300 acres.
Buy Hefty Brand Corn AND Xyway to earn a rebate of $3 per acre on matching acres. Minimum 300 acres.
2. Bayer Plus.
This program is similar to last year.
When you buy two qualifying Bayer products, you get $2 back on matching acres. Your third product is worth $3, your fourth is $4, fifth is $5, and sixth is $6 per acre!
Plus, you can get $1 per acre off Roundup and $1 off XtendiMax by matching a Bayer product with either of those herbicides. Valent products including Fierce, Mauler (metribuzin), Select Max, and Valor EZ (liquid) can qualify for $2 per acre back on top of everything else.
We believe Bayer Plus has been the largest rebate program with the biggest payouts in the history of ag chem rebates, and it does significantly cut your net costs for Bayer and Valent crop protection products.
It’s still early, so we don’t know every program that will be available to you in 2023, but here are two of the biggest.
Other Rebate Programs
Just like last year, we expect Corteva will have a competitive TruChoice offer. I don’t know if it will still amount to a 10% rebate, but we should find out soon. We also believe BASF and UPL will have rebate programs like they have in the past. We will find out later this fall.
Finance Offers
AMVAC, BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC, Syngenta, and Valent all had finance programs this past season, and we expect them all to have finance offers again for 2023.
While most have been 0% over the past few years, that’s changing for this season. Bayer has already announced their finance program will be 1.9% APR, and I would expect others to make a similar move.
It’s still cheap interest, so if you want to take advantage of any of these financing options, we encourage you to do it sooner rather than later. While most of these programs extend all the way through next summer, by locking in your financing and buying your product now, you will likely pay a much lower net price next fall. Whether you run this through us or any other retailer, the earlier you buy and finance, the better product price you should receive.
For example, our prices are normally at least 6% higher in June than in December. If you can save 6% off the product and only pay 1.9% APR for interest, that’s a good deal.
A. Buy Hefty or Zinesto soybeans AND one of FMC’s Authority products to earn a rebate of $3 per acre on matching acres. Minimum 300 acres.
B. Buy Hefty or Zinesto soybeans AND Lucento, TopGuard, or TopGuard EQ to earn a rebate of $3 per acre on matching acres. Minimum 300 acres.
C. Buy Hefty Brand Corn AND Xyway to earn a rebate of $3 per acre on matching acres. Minimum 300 acres.
This program is similar to last year.
When you buy two qualifying Bayer products, you get $2 back on matching acres. Your third product is worth $3, your fourth is $4, fifth is $5, and sixth is $6 per acre!
Plus, you can get $1 per acre off Roundup and $1 off XtendiMax by matching a Bayer product with either of those herbicides. Valent products including Fierce, Mauler (metribuzin), Select Max, and Valor EZ (liquid) can qualify for $2 per acre back on top of everything else.
We believe Bayer Plus has been the largest rebate program with the biggest payouts in the history of ag chem rebates, and it does significantly cut your net costs for Bayer and Valent crop protection products.
Just like last year, we expect Corteva will have a competitive TruChoice offer. I don’t know if it will still amount to a 10% rebate, but we should find out soon. We also believe BASF and UPL will have rebate programs like they have in the past. We will find out later this fall.
AMVAC, BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC, Syngenta, and Valent all had finance programs this past season, and we expect them all to have finance offers again for 2023.
While most have been 0% over the past few years, that’s changing for this season. Bayer has already announced their finance program will be 1.9% APR, and I would expect others to make a similar move.
It’s still cheap interest, so if you want to take advantage of any of these financing options, we encourage you to do it sooner rather than later. While most of these programs extend all the way through next summer, by locking in your financing and buying your product now, you will likely pay a much lower net price next fall. Whether you run this through us or any other retailer, the earlier you buy and finance, the better product price you should receive.
For example, our prices are normally at least 6% higher in June than in December. If you can save 6% off the product and only pay 1.9% APR for interest, that’s a good deal.