Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 1C
Soybean Cyst Nematode: Pl 88.788
Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 1C
Soybean Cyst Nematode: PI 88.788
Best-in-class white mold tolerance! You’ll love this line for yield and overall performance, but you’ll appreciate its high tolerance for white mold. BSR and SCN resistance plus above-average tolerance to IDC and phytophthora round out a pretty complete package!
No obvious flaws.
National line that fits on all soil types and yield environments. This is the best choice for fields with a history of white mold, but it’s not completely resistant, so continue to manage well for the disease. This variety can be pushed for top yields with foliar fungicide plus Nutex EDA and a strong fertility program. Use a complete seed treatment.

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.