Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 3A
Soybean Cyst Nematode: PI 88.788
Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RSP 3A
Soybean Cyst Nematode: PI 88.788
Successful variety in high and low yield environments! Rps 3A phytophthora protection along with SCN resistance and big-time yields! Stress tolerance stood out in 2021.
Standability is average in high fertility, high rainfall environments.
Built for broad acre placement, this bean is a standout in the Western Corn Belt and moves east quite well, too. Its phytophthora field tolerance is a noticeable advantage. The defensive package as a whole is good, not great. Adding Saltro, foliar fungicide, and white mold treatments is a good idea. This variety showed a very strong response to Alpha Complete and fertility additions.

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.