Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 1C
Soybean Cyst Nematode: Pl 88.788
Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 1C
Soybean Cyst Nematode: Pl 88.788
Key product with yield and stability across environments! Topped many of our trials for yield. Handles stress, SCN, and BSR. Standability is very good.
Didn’t get enough white mold looks to give it a reliable rating. With this standability, it shouldn’t be bad.
National placement in high and low yield environments. This is clearly a lead product. Protect the plant from start to finish with a great seed treatment and fertility program early and a fungicide/insecticide program late. Expect to notice a big difference with in-furrow microbials (Alpha Complete) with root development and early growth.

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.