Hefty Brand Corn 4012 90-day Hybrid Header
VTDoublePRO RIB Complete Logo

GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1110
GDUs to Black Layer: 2210
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Flex
Cob Color: Red

GDUs to Mid-Pollination: 1110
GDUs to Black Layer: 2210
Pollination for Maturity: Medium
Ear Type: Flex
Cob Color: Red

Shorter hybrid with a big, girthy ear! Among the best roots and early vigor in the industry! Exhibits a high level of anthracnose stalk rot tolerance. Strong drought tolerance.

Goss’s rating is average. Not highly recommended in continuous corn.

Looks great in all tillage programs and soil types. Good ear flex with excellent yield response to intensive management, especially with P, K, and micronutrients. Sensitive to high rates of ALS herbicides and really needs a solid pre-emerge herbicide program as the hybrid is short and there is a lot of ear flex possible.


H401 Agronomic Chart

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.

Hefty 4012 stood very well at harvest.

Carl, Brown County, South Dakota

Hefty 4012 is a very good hybrid!

Kevin, South Dakota

I ended up using Hefty 4012 as fill-in hybrid and did very well on emergence and standability!

Eldon, Northwest Iowa

Hefty 4012 was our highest yielding corn after dry down across all the acres with great test weight.

Todd, Cass County, North Dakota

Hefty 4012 yielded very well on my farm.

Cam, Brown County, South Dakota

The Hefty 4012 was an excellent corn on my farm.

RS, Eastern North Dakota

Even with the dry pocket, the Hefty 4012 out yielded my go-to 9188 Pioneer by 15 bushels throughout the entire 2 quarters that were planted side by side!

D, Cass County, North Dakota