April 2023

February 2023

On Being ‘Hefty’ Guys

2024-02-02T13:49:10-06:00February 10th, 2023|2023, Agronomy Answers Yield, Feb/Mar 2023|

On any farm, one essential consideration in building a successful operation is the importance of establishing reliable long-term relationships, whether that be with neighbors, the grain elevator, or seed and ag chem suppliers. For Bob Holzwarth, 78, and his sons Luke, 55, and Alex, 27, [...]

December 2022

Prepay Changes

2024-02-02T13:47:10-06:00December 10th, 2022|2023, Agronomy Answers Yield, Dec 2022/Jan 2023|

The last 2.5 years in the United States have been some of the most tumultuous in history... Between COVID and ethanol plants closing in the spring of 2020 to fertilizer prices, building costs, and interest rates crashing soon after that, it sure seemed like [...]

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