December 2022

Agile Adaptability

2024-02-02T13:47:10-06:00December 10th, 2022|2023, Agronomy Answers Yield, Dec 2022/Jan 2023|

Over the past hundred years, the industry of farming has made incredible advancements in its methods, practices, and technologies, arguably more than in any other area of tech development. Certain beyond any doubt, however, is the influence and impact of agriculture has always been and [...]

October 2022

Rebate Programs for 2023

2023-11-16T16:21:12-06:00October 10th, 2022|Agronomy Answers Yield, Oct/Nov 2022|

I'd rather have a cheap price upfront than a rebate program. I’ve heard that from thousands of farmers over the years, but since so many companies offer rebate programs (rather than cutting their prices), it’s important to take advantage of these opportunities [...]

August 2022

Prepay with Hefty

2023-11-16T16:21:12-06:00August 16th, 2022|Aug/Sept 2022|

If you are serious about saving money... Whether you work with us or some other retailer, prepaying your inputs offers substantial rewards. Seed companies and crop protection manufacturers offer both early cash discounts and other early buying incentives that we pass on to you. [...]

Why Book Your Seed Early?

2023-11-16T16:21:12-06:00August 16th, 2022|Aug/Sept 2022|

Seed prices going up is not a shock considering what commodity prices have done and how the cost of seemingly everything else has risen. So what can you do about it? Booking your seed early this year is the first step... 1. Early [...]

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