Hefty Brand Soybeans H09X1
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Logo

Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 3A
Soybean Cyst Nematode: PI 88.788

Plant Height: Medium Tall
Plant Type: Medium
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 3A
Soybean Cyst Nematode: PI 88.788

Broad acre placement with strong emergence for early planting. Responds well to intensive fertility management.

Avoid IDC ground.

Plant H09X1 in high yielding environments and lower pH soils. Dominant yields come with intensive management. Don’t skip the seed treatment or fertility program. Fits well in ND, SD & WI, but you must be picky where it gets placed if you have a soil pH above 7.


H09X1 Agronomic Chart

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.

Hefty Soybean 09X1 Plot Results

Hefty Brand Seed has done well for me for years, especially the soybean seed.

Gerald, Eastern South Dakota

H006X0 is a solid early bean that can yield with its later cousins. It has excellent emergence and a great agronomic package.

Brian, Bathgate, North Dakota

I have always had my soybeans treated with Hefty Complete. The benefits are easy to grasp and help me to push for higher yields every year!

Curt, Southern Minnesota

Hefty Brand Soybeans have been our go-to beans for several years. The agronomic package has been excellent and our yields continue to go up.

Ken, North Dakota

Across the farm Hefty Brand Soybeans are the best investment we’ve made with good agronomics at the right price.

Warner, North Dakota