Hefty Brand Soybeans H17X9
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Logo

Plant Height: Medium
Plant Type: Medium-
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 1C
Soybean Cyst Nematode: PI 88.788

Plant Height: Medium
Plant Type: Medium-
Phytophthora Gene: RPS 1C
Soybean Cyst Nematode: PI 88.788

Versatile line that fits almost everywhere! Standability, white mold tolerance, excellent emergence, and above-average IDC tolerance. Very easy to harvest.


With great standability and a nice defensive package, H17X9 will fit on a lot of acres. Plant it early with confidence and push it for high yields. This bean responds to phosphorus and micronutrient applications well.


H17X9 Agronomic Chart

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.

Hefty Soybean 17X9 Plot Results

YearBrandProductTraitRMMaturity GroupMoistureDry Bu/AcYield RankPlot NameStateCooperator
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 112.554.214Aberdeen Soybean Plot 1AberdeenSDYesAg PhD
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 115.764.67Bath Soybean Plot 1BathSDYesF.I.R.S.T. Plot
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 110.560.018Clinton Soybean Plot 1ClintonMNYesF.I.R.S.T. Plot
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 111.062.926Easton Soybean Plot 1EastonMNYesF.I.R.S.T. Plot
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 114.367.12Groton Soybean Plot 1GrotonSDYesF.I.R.S.T. Plot
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 111.156.315Kasson Soybean Plot 1KassonMNYesF.I.R.S.T. Plot
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 113.064.514New Richland Soybean Plot 1New RichlandMNYesF.I.R.S.T. Plot
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 115.685.721Princeton Soybean Plot 1PrincetonILYesHefty Store
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 111.181.116Sheldon Soybean Plot 1SheldonIAYesAg PhD
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 112.754.719Webster Soybean Plot 1WebsterSDYesF.I.R.S.T. Plot
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 113.964.527Winthrop Soybean Plot 1WinthropMNYesAg PhD
2018HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 113.953.851Winthrop Soybean Plot 2WinthropMNYesAg PhD
2019HeftyH17X9E31.7Group 115.666.019North Sibley IA Soybeans 2019SibleyIAYesAg PhD
2019HeftyH17X9E31.7Group 112.6463.054South Plankinton SD Soybeans 2019PlankintonSDYesAg PhD
2019HeftyH17X9E31.7Group 112.7750.413Freeman SD Soybeans 2019FreemanSDYesAg PhD
2019HeftyH17X9E31.7Group 112.7363.543Baltic, SD Soybeans 2019BalticSDYesAg PhD
2019HeftyH17X9E31.7Group 113.157.586East Marshall, MN Soybean PlotLucanMNYesAg PhD
2019HeftyH17X9R2X1.7Group 113.368.732South Bird Island, MN Soybean PlotBird IslandMNYesAg PhD
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.7111.473.934Baltic, SD Soybean Plot 1BalticSDYESAg PhD
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.7111.977.79Baltic, SD Soybean Plot 2BalticSDYESAg PhD
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.711153.798Sibley, IA Soybean Plot 1SheldonIAYESAg PhD
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.719.268.532Marshall, MN Soybean Plot 1MarshallMNYESAg PhD
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.718.957.278Olivia, MN Soybean Plot 2OliviaMNYESAg PhD
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.718.970.84Buffalo, MN Full-Season F.I.R.S.T. Soybean PlotBuffaloMNYESF.I.R.S.T.
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.91944.422Lester Prairie, MN Full-Season F.I.R.S.T. Soybean PlotLester PrairieMNYESF.I.R.S.T.
2020HeftyH17X9R2X1.718.573.721New Richland, MN Early-Season F.I.R.S.T. Soybean PlotNew RichlandMNYESF.I.R.S.T.

H17X9 is a high yielding soybean on my farm that stays narrow late enough in the season for me to get late applications on to really push its yield.

Terry, Southwest Minnesota

I have always had my soybeans treated with Hefty Complete. The benefits are easy to grasp and help me to push for higher yields every year!

Curt, Southern Minnesota

Hefty Brand Soybeans runs deeper than the seed. It’s a great company and I know I can trust their recommendations for my farm.

Matthew, North East South Dakota

H17X9 is a powerful bean with amazing emergence that seems to fit on any ground.

John, Minnesota

I like how the H17X9 is a nice narrow, tall bean with high yield potential.

Wallace, Southwest Minnesota