Hefty Brand Soybeans H31x9
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Logo

Plant Height
Plant Type
Phytophthora Gene
Soybean Cyst Nematode

Medium Tall
PI 88.788

Plant Height – Medium Tall
Plant Type – Medium
Phytophthora Gene – RPS 1C
Soybean Cyst Nematode – PI 88.788


Home run hitter with great standability! You’ll love the uniform, consistent appearance and the great emergence in the spring. Strong tolerance to stress leads to broad placement of this variety.


Only a moderate level of resistance to brown stem rot, so best to place it on rotated ground.


National placement line with strong stress tolerance. Responds well to intensive management. Fertility response seen with balanced P, K, & S, as well as micros.


H31X9 Agronomic Chart

The higher the number, the better the performance or rating.

Hefty Soybean 31X9 Plot Results

YearBrandProductTraitRMMaturity GroupMoistureDry Bu/AcYield RankStateCooperatorPlot Name
2020HEFTYH31X9 - 140KR2X3.1Group 310.165.143WisnerAg PhD
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 311.3724BeatriceF.I.R.S.T.
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 313.37417Central CityF.I.R.S.T.
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 314.379.925DelavanF.I.R.S.T.
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 311.150.630DouglasF.I.R.S.T.
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 313.578.29MilledgevilleF.I.R.S.T.
2019HEFTYH31X9E33.1Group 312.5864.381WisnerAg PhD
2019HEFTYH31X9E33.1Group 316.485.42PrincetonHefty
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 315.592.714PrincetonHefty
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 310.258.76SpringfieldF.I.R.S.T.
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 311.254.726UnionF.I.R.S.T.
2020HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 311.762.124WayneF.I.R.S.T.
2018HEFTYH31X9R2X3.1Group 310.471.084West Point Ag PhD
2021HeftyH31X9RRX3.1Group 31562.533DwightF.I.R.S.T.
2021HeftyH31X9RRX3.1Group 314.673.439HenryF.I.R.S.T.
2021HeftyH31X9RRX3.1Group 313.164.639MacombF.I.R.S.T.
2021HeftyH31X9RRX3.1Group 311.549.54BeatriceF.I.R.S.T.
2021HeftyH31X9RRX3.1Group 310.755.312TecumsehF.I.R.S.T.
2021HeftyH31X9RRX3.1Group 311.150.932UnionF.I.R.S.T.
2021HeftyH31X9RRX3.1Group 312.353.231DouglasF.I.R.S.T.

Hefty Brand 31X9 Soybeans were by far the best standing soybeans of all the brands I planted in 2019. They stood like a champ! They weren’t bushy beans but were loaded with pods.

Kratz Brothers Farms, Hamburg, Pennsylvania

H31X9 did very well on my farm with very limited rain.

Rick, Nebraska

Hefty Brand 31X9 Soybeans yielded very good.

Pat K., Guenee, Illinois

The Hefty Brand Soybeans I planted in 2019 (H31X9, H28X8) yielded 80 – 90 bushels per acre where they did not battle the water. I also enjoyed that they were clean from SWM & SDS too!

Mike D., Atkinson, Illinois