August 2022

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What’s New for Soybeans in 2023?

2023-11-16T16:21:13-06:00August 15th, 2022|Aug/Sept 2022|

What’s holding you back from your best soybean yields ever? Is it nematodes, disease, or salt/poor drainage? If it’s any of those, you’re going to love the new class of Hefty Brand Soybeans and Zinesto Soybeans for 2023! If you don’t have those issues and [...]

GROWER SPOTLIGHT: 30 Years and Counting

2023-11-16T16:21:13-06:00August 15th, 2022|Aug/Sept 2022|

David Ostrem’s family has worked their homesteads just outside of Centerville, South Dakota for generations – and both sides of his family hold strong, far-reaching roots that stretch across the years. Back in the late 1800s, his great-grandparents on both sides of the family immigrated [...]

June 2022

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