December 2023

October 2023

Lessons Learned From 2023: Naturals Edition

2024-02-02T13:48:37-06:00October 11th, 2023|2023, Agronomy Answers Yield, Oct/Nov 2023|

What feels like a never-ending battle with Mother Nature continued into 2023, with many farmers experiencing yet another year of variable yields due to unpredictable weather conditions. Fortunately, advancements of hybrids and varieties have allowed us to raise respectable yields with little rain, and we’re continuing to learn how [...]

How VRAFY is a Fit for Any Farm

2024-02-02T13:48:37-06:00October 11th, 2023|2023, Agronomy Answers Yield, Oct/Nov 2023|

Fertility is one of the costliest investments you can make on the farm. With yield goals increasing across the country, being efficient, effective, and precise with fertilizer dollars has an ever-expanding impact on the bottom line. That’s why developing a comprehensive, data-focused management strategy is so important. [...]

Supercharge Your Soybean Seed

2024-02-02T13:48:37-06:00October 11th, 2023|2023, Agronomy Answers Yield, Oct/Nov 2023|

HERE’S WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR SOYBEANS... HERE’S WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR SOYBEANS... Faster emergence, more early vigor, more disease tolerance, and the ability to absorb more of the nutrients already in the soil. You probably also want free soybean replants, free resprays for certain [...]

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