Hefty Complete Corn Seed Treatment is our proprietary blend of fungicides, insecticide, and Hefty Naturals (biologicals) containing 37 active ingredients proven to increase your net income.
Years of testing combined with our agronomic knowledge gave us the insight to create the industry’s most comprehensive corn seed treatment, increasing early season vigor, stress tolerance, and crop health to give you the best chance for more yield at harvest.

Here are some management tips to ensure the best experience from your SmartStax® choices.
INSECTS – Both SmartStax® and SmartStax® PRO provide belowground insect protection with multiple Bt events and a higher rate of seed treatment insecticide. SmartStax® PRO takes it a step further with RNA interference. Keep in mind corn rootworms must take a bite out of the root to receive the Bt’s and the RNAi from SmartStax® PRO. To provide extra protection and to control rootworms and other pests before they bite the seed or roots, consider using an in-furrow insecticide as well, especially in heavy-pressure situations. Products like Capture LFR have come way down in price in recent years and are quite affordable.
POST-EMERGE WEED CONTROL – SmartStax® and SmartStax® PRO hybrids carry herbicide tolerance to both Liberty (glufosinate) and Roundup® (glyphosate), offering more ways to control tough weeds.
USE A PRE – Don’t skip the powerful weed control options you have for residual control. Apply them at – or hopefully before – planting.
PRODUCT CHOICE – If broadleaf weeds are a huge issue, choose a pre-emerge product to address those weeds and take many of them out before they even emerge from the soil. Products like Verdict, SureStart, or TripleFLEX are great options, but there are many more, as well.
MULTIPLE EFFECTIVE MODES OF ACTION – Be sure to use multiple effective modes of action each time you spray for weeds. For example, Status is a great post-emerge choice because of its broad-spectrum weed control and two highly effective modes of action on most weeds. Avoid spraying straight Roundup® or any single mode of action as resistant weeds are out there and growing in severity each year.
DISEASES – Watch the Hefty Brand Corn hybrid characteristics chart on pages 8 and 9 and consult the management tips for each hybrid. Most hybrids have one disease or another that may require extra protection from a fungicide. Many of the diseases will show up in fields after V8 and come during very sensitive growth stages. Avoid the use of surfactants or oils with your pre-tassel fungicide applications or use labeled NPE/APE-free surfactants such as Precisive and Nutex EDA to protect your crop from arrested ear development.
The RIB Complete® versions of VT Double PRO® Corn, DroughtGard® with VT Double PRO®, Trecepta®, SmartStax®, SmartStax® PRO. and VT4PRO™ hybrids contain a 5% refuge in every bag for corn (non-cotton) growing areas of the country. These seeds are all tolerant to Roundup® (glyphosate) herbicide and contain no Bt insect traits. The SmartStax® and SmartStax® PRO refuge component also carry tolerance to Liberty (glufosinate) herbicide, giving you an extra weed control option in the premium trait package. With refuge-in-a-bag, there’s no need to plant a separate/structured refuge.
Find the right SmartStax® hybrid for your farm!
Key hybrid at this maturity with yield, a durable plant type, flex ear, and fast drydown.
SmartStax® PRO hybrid with the industry’s best corn rootworm protection.
Strong Goss’s and anthracnose stalk rot tolerance. National placement.

VT4PRO™ combines three modes of action for elite aboveground protection from the Trecepta trait with two modes of action for belowground protection, including RNAi technology and a Bt.
While it doesn’t have quite the power of SmartStax® PRO on corn rootworms, we’ve seen it as a nice step up from the original SmartStax trait in our testing both in above and below-ground insect control. Look for excellent protection against European corn borer, southwestern corn borer, fall armyworm, black cutworm, western bean cutworm, corn earworm, and corn rootworm.
VT4PRO also contains Roundup Ready 2 Technology® allowing you to spray glyphosate in addition to conventional corn herbicides to stop tough weeds.
The Widest Spectrum of Insect Defense From Bayer
With above- and below-ground protection against some of the toughest corn pests, VT4PRO Technology will be a versatile product with a broad geographic fit, helping to provide farmers across the U.S. the protection they need.
The Power of RNAi Technology
Developed by Bayer to combat corn rootworm, RNAi Technology offers a specific mode of action against the pest. Because RNAi Technology works differently than a soil-applied insecticide or Bt traits to control corn rootworm, it can help increase a corn plant’s ability to defend itself against the billion-dollar bug.
Find the right VT4PRO™ hybrid for your farm!

VT DOUBLE PRO® is the most popular Hefty Brand Corn Trait!
With tolerance to Roundup® herbicide, insect protection from key aboveground pests like European corn borer, and a competitive price point, it’s easy to see why VT Double PRO® Corn is such an attractive package!
Here are some tips for managing your VT Double PRO® Corn. Follow all the management tips on page 8. They also apply to your VT Double PRO® Corn. In addition, there are two more to consider.
INSECTS – Dropping down from SmartStax® to VT Double PRO® means giving up belowground insect protection on pests like corn rootworm. Be sure to use a planting time insecticide like Force, Aztec, or Capture LFR, as there is no rescue treatment for corn rootworm.
WEED CONTROL – If you are used to using Liberty® or Roundup® in SmartStax® corn, remember VT Double PRO® is only tolerant to Roundup, not Liberty.
Use the tools below to choose the best VT Double PRO® hybrids for your operation!
Taller hybrid with good Goss’s Wilt tolerance and very good drydown!
Big, powerful plant type with a girthy ear and deep, heavy kernels.
“The Grinder” takes on tough soils, tough conditions, and even tough diseases and out-yields the rest.
National line with high yield potential and aggressive early vigor and growth!
Breakout product! From plot winner to top field average on your farm, this is a fun product to work with.
South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin yield king at this maturity!
Key hybrid at this maturity with yield, a durable plant-type, flex ear, and fast drydown.
Consistent winner! Showy hybrid with broad acre placement. Flexes well for ear length.
Top-end yields! Aggressive hybrid with good Goss’s and greensnap tolerance.
National placement line with yield and excellent Goss’s wilt tolerance!
Great overall performance with yield, defensive characteristics, and solid roots and stalks.
Top yielder! This is the VT Double PRO® version of H6524 with added protection for anthracnose stalk rot.
Powerful yielder! Quite possibly the highest yielder we’ve ever seen.

Hefty Brand DroughtGard® Hybrids feature a drought tolerance gene PLUS the Bt protection of VT Double PRO®!
How is DroughtGard® different from other competitive “drought-tolerant” brands?
DroughtGard® corn hybrids contain the only drought-tolerant biotechnology trait for corn on the market. Other hybrids marketed as “drought-tolerant” but not containing the DroughtGard® trait brand are simply just hybrids observed to stay greener longer in low rainfall environments. The biotechnology trait in DroughtGard hybrids helps plants create essential proteins for growth even when water is scarce.
The DroughtGard® Hybrids trait is a part of a systems approach that combines best agronomic recommendations, germplasm selected for top-end yield potential, and superior drought-tolerance characteristics. Here are four things that can help any hybrid be more drought or stress tolerant.
SEED TREATMENT – Hefty Brand Corn is treated with Hefty Complete Corn Seed Treatment which contains a number of naturals to improve drought and stress tolerance.
BALANCED FERTILITY – Providing balanced and ample fertility allows your crop to lower its water usage required to take up nutrients.
SOIL STRUCTURE – Reducing compaction allows your roots to grow deeper faster in pursuit of water and nutrients.
FOLIAR TREATMENTS – Plant health fungicides as well as Hefty Naturals products like Heat Shield and Weather King can help reduce plant stress during hot, dry weather.
Additional agronomic tips for managing your DroughtGard® corn including following all the management tips from SmartStax® and VTDoublePRO®.
WEED CONTROL – DroughtGard® hybrids feature tolerance to Roundup® herbicide, as well as the conventional corn herbicides you’ve used for years. These hybrids are not tolerant to Liberty® like SmartStax® corn. For more herbicide recommendations, visit the Roundup Ready® corn section.
View our selection of DroughtGard® hybrids below!
Full flex hybrid with DroughtGard for the tough, low-population acre!
Gamechanger! Emergence and early vigor are off the charts, and it closes the rows quickly.

This premium aboveground insect protection trait package contains three unique modes of action to stop pests such as European corn borer, corn earworm, fall armyworm, black cutworm and western bean cutworm. Expect to see healthier stalks, cleaner ears, and improved grain quality even compared to top-of-the-line Bt products like VT Double PRO®.
WEED CONTROL – Trecepta® corn hybrids are tolerant to Roundup herbicides for added
post-emerge grass and broadleaf control.
INSECTS – While the aboveground insect protection Trecepta® provides is fantastic, you will need to apply a planting time insecticide to protect against corn rootworms, grubs, and secondary pests. Insecticides like Capture LFR are effective and have become very inexpensive. Scouting throughout the season is always recommended, as Bt products stop specific insects, but they do not kill all bugs that could possibly be in your fields.
DISEASE – Trecepta® has been shown to help reduce disease pressure in stalks and especially ears by eliminating many of the worst insect pests. Using fungicides to help protect the plants from foliar diseases is still necessary.
FERTILITY – Trecepta® helps allow the ear to fill out to the tip by reducing feeding from insects. Adding fertility around tasseling time with nitrogen, sulfur, and boron can help, too. Soil and plant tissue testing will help you identify which nutrients could help your yields on each acre.
Browse Hefty Brand Trecepta® hybrids below!
Exciting Trecepta® hybrid with great fall appearance and solid stalks and roots!
Big-time yields! Flex ear hybrid that makes the big yields with lower populations.
Standout performer at 111 day! More yield punch with a solid all-around product.
Incredible early emergence and vigor leads to top performance and drydown in the fall!

Hefty Brand Seed is excited to offer hybrids with the PowerCore® Enlist® corn trait in our lineup!
PowerCore® Enlist® corn has three modes of action for protection against above-ground pests including black cutworm, European corn borer, fall armyworm, and southwestern corn borer. PowerCore Enlist corn also features tolerance to multiple herbicides, including glyphosate, glufosinate, 2,4-D choline, and FOPS. All Hefty Brand Seed PowerCore Enlist products will be sold as Refuge Advanced, containing 5% seed without insect protection while still containing the same herbicide tolerance.
Our research team has been working with PowerCore Enlist corn for a number of years and has found it to have competitive top-end yields when compared to other traits and genetics on the market today. The insect protection package is superior to many other Bt combinations on the market. We recommend you try new products on a small scale as you get started. You have our full confidence that PowerCore Enlist corn from Hefty Brand Seed offers excellent yield potential, provides strong above-ground insect protection, and allows more herbicide flexibility than any other corn trait package available today.
Browse Hefty Brand PowerCore® Enlist® hybrids below!
“Plant Health Champ” you’ll want to grow right next to your house!

If you don’t need Bt’s for insect protection, Roundup Ready® Corn 2 hybrids could be the best choice for your farm! With tolerance to Roundup herbicide, your production costs controlling grass escapes and other tough weeds could be significantly less than with conventional corn hybrids. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your Roundup Ready® Corn 2 hybrids this year:
WEED CONTROL – Start with a great pre-emerge herbicide program. If broadleaf weeds are your top concern choose a combination broadleaf and grass herbicide to address your toughest weed problem. If grass control is your biggest issue, choose a straight Group 15 herbicide and use it at the full labeled rate. With Roundup as part of your post emerge program, you can inexpensively and effectively clean up almost any annual grass weed.
INSECTS – Utilize in-furrow insecticide. The key with Roundup Ready® corn is to keep the roots healthy and free of insects (and diseases) to improve nutrient uptake, stress tolerance, stability, and overall yield. Unless you’re planting something like VT4PRO™, SmartStax® or SmartStax® PRO, chances are good you need an insecticide. Also, scout regularly for aboveground insects and treat when necessary.
FERTILITY – Consider in-furrow or 2 X 2 starter fertility to boost early performance. Keep rates small and use a low-salt fertilizer.
DISEASE – Adding a fungicide or a combination of insecticide and fungicide when planting early is a good idea. If you are in a heavy disease pressure situation, it won’t hurt to make that investment even when weather conditions are good. Xyway is a strong option for disease protection with a planting-time application. We prefer to see Xyway used in a 2 X 2 or the 3Rive 3D system rather than in-furrow.
MICROBES/SOIL HEALTH – We’ve never seen as good a response from a natural package as we have with Alpha Complete. Try it in-furrow or in your 2 X 2 and see the difference! If you don’t have in-furrow or 2 X 2 capabilities, Maxx NS is a strong alternative. Maxx NS from Hefty Naturals is the best talc-based planter box additive we’ve seen.
HEFTY COMPLETE SEED TREATMENT on your Hefty Brand Corn is a difference-maker, too. Dig some roots up early and throughout the season. Focus on setting your planter so every seed is placed perfectly. Finally, notice how fast your corn gets out of the ground with Hefty Complete!
Check out these Hefty Brand Roundup Ready® Corn 2 hybrids below!
Versatile hybrid that dominates in variable environments and under stress.
Dominating yielder! Roundup Ready® version of the popular H3712 hybrid with powerful yield!
Home run hitter closely related to H4522! Explosive yields across high and low productivity fields.

If you choose to grow conventional corn, here are a few things to keep in mind that could help with your crop management this season.
WEED CONTROL – Without Roundup® or Liberty to help you kill weeds, you have to be smart. Start with a full rate of a Group 15 grass herbicide to stop the most expensive and damaging weeds in corn, namely annual grasses like the foxtail species. Don’t use the weed killers that focus on broadleaf control, which is much cheaper to achieve post-emerge.
INSECTS – Utilize a full rate of an in-furrow insecticide. The key with conventional corn is to keep the roots healthy and free of insects (and diseases) to improve nutrient uptake, stress tolerance, stability, and overall yield. Unless you’re planting something like VT4PRO™, SmartStax®, or SmartStax® PRO, chances are good you need an insecticide. Also, scout regularly for aboveground insects and treat when necessary.
DISEASE – Adding a fungicide or a combination of insecticide and fungicide when planting early is a good idea. If you are in a heavy disease pressure situation, it won’t hurt to make that investment even when weather conditions are good. Xyway is a strong option for disease protection with a planting-time application. We prefer to see Xyway used in a 2 X 2 or the 3Rive 3D system rather than in-furrow.
FERTILITY – Consider in-furrow or 2 X 2 starter fertility to boost early performance. Keep rates small and use a low-salt fertilizer.
MICROBES/SOIL HEALTH – We’ve never seen as good a response from a natural package as we have with Alpha Complete. Try it in-furrow or in your 2 X 2 and see the difference! If you aren’t set up to do that, Maxx NS on your seed is another great option.
THE REAL DIFFERENCE MAKER is Hefty Complete Seed Treatment on your Hefty Brand Corn. While other companies focus on conventional corn being cheap, we have added 37 components to our seed treatment to make your corn great! Dig some roots up early and throughout the season. Focus on setting your planter so every seed is placed perfectly. Finally, notice how fast your corn gets out of the ground with Hefty Complete!
Choose the right conventional hybrids for your farm!
Consistent performance. Very acre friendly hybrid that fits across your whole farm.
High-yielding conventional line with outstanding emergence and early vigor!